Click the link below for my “Christmas In San Diego” cook book!

Boneless Pork Chops In The Oven

Oc Len Xao Dua (Vietnamese Sea Snails in Coconut Milk)
Street food but at home.

Rau Muong
A Vietnamese side dish made by a Vietnamese side dish home cook

Sugared Peach Custard Cake

Ye Old Meatloaf Cipe’
Meat your match.

Vietnamese Ca Ri
Worth the work, can feed a party of 8, or one angry Vietnamese lady for one week. Your choice.

Panko Cavatappi Baked Mac and Cheese
An easy side, like me.

Black Refried Beans
A tootin’ good side dish to bring to your next bbq.

Quotes to cook by
“It is impossible then to separate our cooking from family story, from the products from the region we grew up in, or the regions our ancestors hailed from…It is impossible not to carry, wherever your path leads you, the flavors you grew up with.”
— Tu Casa Mi Casa Enrique Olvera
“I don’t think there’s any chef born great like in music or sports. You have to burn yourself … messing up makes you a better chef.”
— David Chang
“Your body is not a temple. It’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.”
— Anthony Bourdain